Hi Dolls,
I just have to say thank you so much for all the sweet and supportive comments on my post on Sunday morning. It so meant so much to me!
I have been trying to put this post together for some time now. It's funny how stuff works out, because when I originally wanted to create this post, I was in a totally different mind set than I am now. My one year anniversary for the blog is coming up in a few months and I wish I had a better understanding at what works for me but to be completely honest...I am still really learning at what is working best for me and my blog.
Balancing being a stay at home Mom and blogger is extremely hard, not gonna lie. I began blogging for two reasons, firstly it was because I have ALWAYS had a strong passion for everything fashion. I love styling outfits and helping others put outfits together. Secondly it was the prefect creative outlet for me after being home with my kids for all these years. My oldest starts Kindergarten this year and I'm so sad yet proud of all far he has come these past 6 years.
I had started a handful of blogs since my kids where born and ended up pulling the plug because I just didn't have the amount of time I wanted to put into it. When I created Balancing In Heels Through Motherhood, it just felt right and I had the full support of my Husband which made ALL the difference. I am not a full time blogger and I hope one day I will be because I truly love blogging. I did't start my blog to make money and if you are wondering if I have made money since blogging the answer is no. I have been doing everything because I truly love it!
As of right now, I work on my blog before my kids wake up in the morning because I am a major morning person. When I first started my blog, I was working on it after they went to bed but I am more clear in the morning haha. If I am behind on my post, which I usually am half of the time. I will fix my kids up with a show or have them work on a workbook so I can finish up what I need to quickly. Now this sounds great written out but it usually doesn't always happen. I have to break up arguments or get them snacks/drinks/change the show etc. I wish I could plan out my posts like 90% of bloggers do but honestly I don't like doing that. I like to feel genuine and in the moment with my post. I may not feel like sharing a certain picture 3 days from now, so that's probably why I feel so overwhelmed sometimes because I don't know what post each day.
Instagram is a real Mother isn't it? It can really screw with you as a blogger and make you question who you are. I stress so much about what photo to post and if my caption is "LIKE" worthy EVERY time I post. I would be lying if I didn't say I questioned if I should be moving forward with my blog because I was losing followers like crazy for being ME!!! Now how stupid is that??! I created this blog because I wanted an outlet, ME!! I wasn't doing it for likes or to get paid. This exhausted Mom stay at home Mom with two kids needed an outlet during her endless days of cleaning a house that NEVER seems to want to stay clean, breaking up arguments all day over toys and which show we are going to watch, kids up and down all night, the amount of stress eating that lead to unwanted "toddler weight gain" (yes ladies I'm making that a thing), and always serving and making sure everyone in the house is taken care of. It's a thankless job but if I had the ability to turn back time and do it over again, I certainly would.
My blog is a place where I am come and just relax. I can share the things that I love with other women who my be seeking fashion help, inspiration, or a place where they can take their mind off things. I followed a lot of fashion bloggers when my kids were just born and it helped my realize that I can still have style after being a Mom. So I hope my blog is like that who are in that position. With my kids heading back to school on the same days this year, I'll have a couple of free days to myself, which is going to be really weird! Thankfully I still have another year before Averie heads to Kindergarten.
So far now, just like Motherhood....I am doing the best I can when I can. I wish I had a better balance for my blog and home life but I don't. I think if I was getting paid for blogging I would have a set schedule because at that point it is a legit job. Since it's a major time consuming hobby, I'll do the best I can and not feel so stressed about me being ME!!
I want to truly thank CaseApp for sending me these little goodies! I have been enjoying them so much. I created a skin for my laptop which I completely LOVE!! Also I created a photo case because lets face it, who doesn't love showing off those you love dear to your heart.
Thank you so much for all the support thus far ladies. I promise to keep staying true to me and not someone who is trying to push products on you. I never recommend anything that I truly don't love or haven't tried myself. <3
CaseApp and I are sharing the love with you guys. So head to www.caseapp.com and use code ASHLEYCLARK20 for 20% :) They have SO MANY great designs for just about every tech device and you can pick from predesigned items or create your own. So have fun ladies and thanks again for everything! LOVE YOU!!