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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Valentines Day Gift Guide // Amazon Prime

Hey babes!

I feel like I can never get my gifts together in time with these darn holidays. I know Valentines Day is a made up holiday but none the less, we all usually do something for the loved ones in our lives. So I am thankful for sites like Amazon that offer quick shipping options when you are in a pinch! Just to be clear, this is NOT IN ANYWAY a sponsored post! ;) Just sharing my personal experiences with you. :)

Today I'm going to share some items that I found from Amazon because one you get such good deals on there and two it's SO MUCH EASIER to shop online!! Having to drag my kids into the store and figure out what to get everyone when you don't even NEED to be spending that money in the first place is just frustrating. I usually just get my kiddos some basic goodies and something fun. Then get my husband something practical because he is a very practical kind of guy. :)

When we were dating, we would just do dinner and call it a successful holiday! This year my kids have Valentines Day parties at schools. Oh how times have changed! :) Then after my kids go to bed, my husband and I will dig into some candy and watch some silly guy movie together....queue the eye roll.....hello parent life!

I've put together a list that is more of a married life point of view. Hope you ladies have a fabulous Valentines Day no matter what your plans are! :)


For Him & Her

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