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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Life Update and why I came back to my blog


Wow it truly feels like forever since I have sat down and typed up a blog post. It feels so good to have my fingers clicking on my laptop again! I apologize in advance for my misuse grammar and punctuation, a lot of these post will written when I have a moment during the day and after the kids go down for the night. #mombrain AH!

I feel like I have so much to catch you up on and my fingers cannot type fast enough to get started on what has been going on since I deleted my old Instagram account in January. I hope you have a snack for this one because this post might get a little long, but here we go!

Towards the end of 2017, I was feeling pretty crappy about how my blog/social media outlets were growing and how I kept comparing myself to other bloggers because of it. Now I'm not going to go on and bash other bloggers and what they do to grow their business, to each their own. I am mainly talking about how society, especially on Instagram has as type of "it girl". Being completely opposite of this "it girl", it's extremely hard not to try and not compare yourself to her! If you have no idea what I am talking about then I am sorry.

When I first started my blog back in 2016 I could care a less about what other bloggers where doing and never even compared myself to them because.....I was doing this for ME!! I completely lost sight of that over the year of blogging and I wish I stood stronger but I didn't. My insecurities bleed into my daughter in how I viewed myself! I was dying to my dark hair blonde because on Instagram that does very well. Then my sweet beautiful brunette headed daughter started hating the way her hair looked and said she wasn't as pretty has the blonde hair girls in her class.........she's 4!! (Keep in mind, I never talked about my blog with my kids and what does and doesn't do well) Talk about a complete wake up call as a Mom!! I felt like I had completely failed her as a Mother and role model. We are Mothers are suppose to build our young daughters up and help build their self esteem. Here I am weak in my own insecurities and she saw right through me when I told her she was beautiful and that she shouldn't feel that way.

I tried my hardest to stay on course with blogging but I felt like I was my heart and soul into it and it just wasn't paying off the way I thought it should. Looking back now, that's just silly. Having this time off and seeing what I really wanted and how I want I have learned from last year, has made me so much stronger! I am so excited and proud of myself for diving back to blogging because ladies it's scary!! Putting yourself out there is hard and a lot of you know I keep my family life very private. I just don't know how bloggers literally put their entire life out there for everyone to watch. This time around I will see how I can share my kids more without giving away to much because I want to be relatable to all of you.

pregnancy announcement with candy hearts, valentines day pregnancy announcement
I announcement my pregnancy on Valentines Day 

Fast forwarding to December 2017, we got some VERY unexpected news. We are being blessed with another little bundle to love on!!! I honestly still cannot believe God has given us this unexpected blessing. So feeling the way I was over during the months leading up to this news, I just made the decision to end everything. Overwhelmed with emotions and my new reality had me put things on the back burner and also cut out any unnecessary stresses in my life. Now that I am feeling more confident in my own skin and have my head wrapped about my new reality, I feel like I can handle getting back into my blog. It's wonderful to have an outlet with all the craziness I have going on. I have created a schedule to go by and if I can't get to something then it will just have to wait. I want this new year for my blog to truly reflect me and how I function day to day.

So I hope you ladies can forgive me for just jumping ship so quickly in January, but it felt right for me during that time. I am so excited to start posting regularly on my blog and figuring what works best on my other social media channels. I plan on posting twice a week on my blog, so if you haven't signed up to get notified via email do after you finish this post. It's on the right side of my blog and you will only get emailed when I publish a post on here. I may do a poll on my blog to see what kind of posts you would be interested in reading in the coming months. You can always shoot me a comment below of ideas. I will still keep sharing my fashion, especially during pregnancy because holy cow it's hard to dress these days! Also I will be doing Bump Updates and projects to prep for baby. I am currently 16 weeks so I can do a recap of the first trimester if you ladies are interested! I've been using a great at home work out as well during the pregnancy I really want to share that as well because she offers a non maternity one as well that I love.

pregnancy, motherhood, halogen utility jacket from Nordstroms, white tank with skinny jeans
16 weeks and two days 
Jacket : Similar HERE || Tank : HERE || Necklace || old Stella & Dot Similar: HERE  and add charms HERE
Jeans || HERE || Phone Case || HERE || Stroller || HERE 

I want to thank you ladies for the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this crazy long post. I feel like reading blog posts these days are so outdated but I still read other bloggers posts and enjoy them. I hope you have a wonderful March, my little girl turns 5 years old today and it feels like yesterday when I walked into the hospital to have her. Time goes by wWAY to fast!!!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this struggle! We all have those struggles and coming to terms with and refusing to let it define you, proves then bigger and better person you have grown to be! I am so incredibly proud of you and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us!!!

    1. Thank you so much Toni!! It means a lot to hear that others can totally relate! Excited to see where 2018 is going to take this little blog. Love ya girl!!

  2. Ahhhhh Ashley!!! I have to say I am so very HAPPY youre back!! I know the struggles with blogging how hard it is to stay true to ourselves and not compare. Ughhh the comparison game really has to stop, but easier said than done. So I totally feel you. Just want you to know, mama to mama, friend to friend, blogger to blogger I’m here for you! If you ever want to vent, talk just someone to listen I’m here! I know we’ve never met IRL I feel like I know you and we’ve been friends for years! One of the few I really connect with!!! wishing you all the very best on this new journey! Can’t wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds for you I know it’s gonna be amazing!!!


    1. Ahhhh Steph!! Your words mean so much to me babe. Thank you so much for always being there for me and I feel the exact same way about you love. So happy we have connected on her and I don't know what I would do without you love!

  3. So glad you’re back blogging again!



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