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Thursday, March 29, 2018

20 Week Bump Date

bump baby week by week

These past 20 weeks have just come and gone! I am excited to finally share some bump pics to show you how my belly has been growing. So lets get into what's been going on since our last update.

Thank the lord on high that my sickness has sailed away!! My sickness was as it's strongest during the first part of my pregnancy. I really feel for those girls who have to fight that sickness during most or their entire pregnancy.

I am still a struggle bus these days. I just cannot kick that feeling of being exhausted. I have been trying to get my sleep during the night but Averie is struggling sleeping through the night, so it's really hard. I'm up and down all night, but thankfully now my Hubby is helping me with this because I just cannot do it anymore. It's impossible for me to nap during the day now. So I just try and go to bed as early as I can.

If you watch my Insta Stories, you know that I've been walking three miles daily! Ladies, I cannot share enough just how much this has been helping me mentally and physically. I do keep up with my home works out as well. I like to keep those fresh, so I will follow my fitness program that I share in my last bump date, get moves off Pinterest (follow me on there), or make up a routine of moves I love to do. I am working on that fitness post for you ladies. :)

I have been making this my second strongest effort these past couple weeks. Now that I am in my early 30's, I am WAY more conscious of my weight gain during this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my other two kids, I was in my mid 20's and losing weight was a little easier for me. When I found I was pregnant with this baby, I was 10 pounds away from hitting my weight loss goal. I haven't weighted myself lately because I am really trying to just go off how I am feeling and look. I know I have gained about 15 pounds thus far and doctor is happy with my weight gain so far. I do have days that I mess up and eat unhealthy, which I know it ok. So I am far from being perfect lately but I try to make the smartest decision possible when I can. My Hubby has been food prepping these past two weeks and that has been CRAZY helpful for me and him because we are so busy lately. In my fitness post, I will share my meals and snacks with you.

Baby's Room:
I have just about cleared out the baby's room and her crib arrived yesterday! We need to get our carpets cleaned and her room painted before we set up her crib. My son cannot wait to help build her crib. I can already tell that when we start setting up her room, the tears are going to just start falling!! Watching my littles get excited over their new sibling is just so precious.  My kids are getting so excited and I know these next couple months are going to FLY by!! We will be getting the carpets cleaned and room painted very soon because my kids will be out of school the end of May. By that point it's going to be very hot here in Arizona and I don't want to deal with these projects while the kids are home and battling the heat as well!

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